Existing Customers vs New Customers…the pros and pros! Customers are the lifeblood of all businesses. No matter what industry you are in and no matter what type of product and service you offer, you need customers to keep your business
Tips for Spring Cleaning Your Marketing Activity
I’ve been holding off with this post for a wee while now because quite frankly it didn’t seem befitting to write a ‘spring cleaning’ blog post whilst hailstones were annoyingly tap, tap, tapping at my window. But now that I
Top 10 Tips to Boost Sales and Customer Interest
Well we made it halfway through April without the ‘showers’ dampening our entrepreneurial spirit but the real question this week is not do we make our brollies a permanent fixture but what can we do to prevent a cloud hanging
How to write a marketing plan
Well you’re back for more are you? You are gluttons for punishment, but, do you know what? I don’t blame you…especially with the enticement of a visual treat such as this. So sit back, relax, keep your arms and legs
Top 5 reasons why you need a marketing plan
Really, you should have a marketing plan for your business. Here’s why: 1. Action. Having a written down plan (which is preferably stuck on your wall) will remind you to do something, anything, to generate the next batch of enquiries.