Well it’s half way through the month already and if you’re anything like me you will have forgotten what being on holiday felt like already. As we are most definitely getting back into the swing of things, be that slowly
Direct your Marketing
I’m going to start this week’s blog with a big thank you to everyone who read and commented on last week’s blog. I have concluded that my maiden voyage into interactive blogging was a success. The topic for this week
Email marketing – what is the law?
There continues to be a lot of confusion about what you can and can’t do when it comes to emailing your prospects and customers. There are two key points to note first: 1. There is a difference between emailing individual
Segmentation Counts
A few days ago I received an email from an airline. Nothing unusual there, as they email me special offers from time to time. However, this particular special offer was a little surprising. They were offering me a flight from