From PR Agencies to SEO Specialists and everything in between, marketing is a broad, varied and often confusing discipline. Here is an explanation of who does what, and which marketing supplier you should use for which job. Advertising Agency These
Make your Content Valuable to Search Engines
Most of us will at some point in our lives have been labelled, tried some reinvention exercises to get rid of said labels, labelled others, and undoubtedly have been told not to as it was a “nasty trait of
Inbound Marketing – all about the Content
If any of you have kids, or have been present at a children’s party, then you will know that no matter how pretty the wrapping is, whether the gift was hand delivered by Elsa from Frozen herself or whether the
Personalisation through Customer Profiling
“What kind of chair are you?” I was asked this question a few years ago now, when I started out as a copywriter. Obviously I had never thought of myself as a type of chair before so my answer went
How to create content people want to see
Have you ever been so excited about trying a new restaurant only to get there and find that the eccentricity of the menu leaves your appetite anything but whetted? Obviously, for the sake of progression and to stand out from
Why choose video content
One of my favourite weekend pastimes as a youth was to watch a scary film with all the lights off. Of course this involved making the trip to the video shop with my mum, 1) because she had the video
Platforms and Plugins – the basics
There are many types of platforms that help us do great things and that do great things for us, for Harry Potter there was platform 93/4 that whisked him off to a magical place full of all things witchy and
Gathering Data
Cookies; synonymous with a glass of milk after school and a blue, furry monster from Sesame Street, but in the modern technical age cookies are something quite different. Most, if not all, of you will be familiar with a phrase
2014’s Marketing trends
Well it’s half way through the month already and if you’re anything like me you will have forgotten what being on holiday felt like already. As we are most definitely getting back into the swing of things, be that slowly