This is not like when you have a birthday party for your son or daughter and discover you have to account for a lactose intolerant guest who then has to be excluded from the jelly and ice cream ritual
How do you know if a lead qualifies?
Does anyone remember the uncertainty of what being the recipient of a shove in the playground meant? Ironically this backhanded action was deemed as a compliment in my day and one could take with some certainty that the giver of
Word of Mouth Marketing meets Inbound Marketing
I’ve never actually been to Italy but whenever it is mentioned a distinct image is conjured in my mind’s eye that encapsulates a simple and wholesome life. To me, the weatherbeaten washerwomen who adorn the town’s congregative fountain encapsulate a
Inbound Content – what to give away and when
Last week I spoke about how to build customer personas in order to market to them more effectively and nurture them along their buying journey, and today we are going to look at other things that you can do in
Using Customer Personas to Estimate Lifetime Value
The phrase “a sure bet” is probably something you are likely to hear surreptitiously whispered between the duster coat clad boys on the spit and sawdust forecourt of the gee gees racetrack rather than in marketing circles. And, even
How to Measure the Value of your Customers
So last week we talked about buckets of water, leaks, refilling and plugging the holes, it was thirsty work so whilst rewarding myself with refreshing, a chilled pint… of water (well, it was a “school” night) I started thinking about
Marketing to New and Existing Customers
Existing Customers vs New Customers…the pros and pros! Customers are the lifeblood of all businesses. No matter what industry you are in and no matter what type of product and service you offer, you need customers to keep your business
How to personalise an online customer experience
Whilst the act of physically shopping is still often regarded as a pastime reserved for “ladies who lunch” as they are perceived to have more disposable time than the 9-5 grafters amongst us and can ponder on all the
Make your Content Valuable to Search Engines
Most of us will at some point in our lives have been labelled, tried some reinvention exercises to get rid of said labels, labelled others, and undoubtedly have been told not to as it was a “nasty trait of
How to make an impression with content
Regulars to this blog will probably have heard me speak about Inbound Marketing, and if there are any newbies in the room who haven’t yet heard that term this is what it means, in a nutshell; “ Inbound marketing refers