Yesterday I ran my first ever 10k. As I waited for the race in sub zero conditions with snow on the ground, I realised that the race itself wasn’t important, it was the process of getting there which counted.

It’s just the same in business. You need to set yourself a goal and then do something different in order to achieve it.

My goal was set just over a year ago when I decided to run this 10k. I didn’t run at all at the time, and only went to the gym once a week, so something had to change. I decided to start running three times a week. I made a chart, stuck it to the fridge, and ticked it off when I ran. I ran slightly further each time in order to approach my goal.

In business you can set yourself the goal of winning 10 more customers this year, selling 100 products a month, making a profit – you know the kind of thing. Then decide what you are going to do differently to make it happen. For example, attend 3 networking meetings a month, make 5 phone calls a day, aim for a different market. Now… write them down, stick them to your fridge (or PC) and start doing them.

I did complete the race. It was slow, I was almost (but not quite) last and my legs ached afterwards, but that didn’t matter. During the year I lost weight, massively improved my fitness, felt more positive and met new people. I might even do it again next year!

So, if you only attract 7 new customers, or sell 30 more products every month it doesn’t matter – you have made progress. Keep going and be proud of what you have achieved.

It’s the Climb
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One thought on “It’s the Climb

  • April 26, 2016 at 6:03 pm

    At last! Someone who unedsrtands! Thanks for posting!

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