Many people spend a lot of their time trying to stay out of the spotlight with the express aim of not being noticed over and above somebody else. But surely in a business you would want to do the opposite?
Running Competitions on Facebook – the new rules
I’ve been asked several times recently about running Facebook competitions and what you can and can’t do. You may be aware that Facebook relaxed its rules about running competitions on a business page recently, but there is still quite a
We’re Good At That
When it comes to blowing our own trumpets, the British can be a bit modest. But when you consider that we are responsible for some pretty big hitters in the business world we really should stop and ask “why?”.
LinkedIn and You
Are you the weakest LinkedIn? Do others view your page and profile and think “Goodbye”? In this business savvy day and age LinkedIn is a valuable asset and with a little tweaking and fine tuning will be only too happy
Tips for Spring Cleaning Your Marketing Activity
I’ve been holding off with this post for a wee while now because quite frankly it didn’t seem befitting to write a ‘spring cleaning’ blog post whilst hailstones were annoyingly tap, tap, tapping at my window. But now that I
Social media – getting the right tone
This may seem like an odd question as the answer is often correctly presumed to be yes, especially in this day and age, but do you use social media for business? This avenue of interaction and self promotion is rapidly
Getting the competitive business edge
How many of you have read George Orwell’s classic novel, 1984? Makes you think huh? Obviously its plot is quite extreme and seemingly far fetched but is there an element of truth behind ‘Big Brother’ and how people, including prospective
How to start promoting your business or product
Now, I can tell you straight away, before you even get comfortable with a cuppa and settle for the long haul, that this topic will require at least two blog installments. So now my next step is to tell you
Why you need a Social Media Strategy
Watch Jotolio‘s video from my August Social Media Strategy training session – find out why having a plan for your Social Media will help your business. If you want to find out more, there’s another course on 20 November.
Living the dream: 9 Facebook tips
Sticking to the theme of Facebook, I’d like share a few content ideas with you this week. I recently listened to a podcast about Facebook which had a few useful tips in it. The one I remember most regards understanding