I’ve never actually been to Italy but whenever it is mentioned a distinct image is conjured in my mind’s eye that encapsulates a simple and wholesome life. To me, the weatherbeaten washerwomen who adorn the town’s congregative fountain encapsulate a
Marketing to New and Existing Customers
Existing Customers vs New Customers…the pros and pros! Customers are the lifeblood of all businesses. No matter what industry you are in and no matter what type of product and service you offer, you need customers to keep your business
How to personalise an online customer experience
Whilst the act of physically shopping is still often regarded as a pastime reserved for “ladies who lunch” as they are perceived to have more disposable time than the 9-5 grafters amongst us and can ponder on all the
How to compile a questionnaire and use the answers
A good questionnaire can be a very powerful tool. Not only does it allow you to find out what your customers think about a number of topics and areas relating to your business but it’s also a great way to
Personalisation through Customer Profiling
“What kind of chair are you?” I was asked this question a few years ago now, when I started out as a copywriter. Obviously I had never thought of myself as a type of chair before so my answer went
Why the customer is always right
Caroline is taking a wee break this week, so it’s down to me to serve up your next course of information on the subject of customer service. This week we are talking about what to do when it all goes