This title reminds me of the classic 80’s movie, Ghostbusters and the immortal line “who you gonna call” where the residents of New York were plagued by pesky poltergeists and had to call in a group of pros in order to rid them of the meddlesome spooks and specters thus restoring peace and harmony to their lives and city. Whilst neither Julie or myself sport white boiler suits, hunt ghosts or wield electric current emitting contraptions on a daily basis, we are quite effective at “busting” those little, niggly marketing issues that can keep you up at night.
There are perhaps two different types of scenario when you might want to have a hotline to a help force and one is definitely preferable, but we can help with both.
Scenario 1 – The workload is piling up and gathering dust, what do you do?
Firstly you need to recognise the warning signs…
Does your pile of uncompleted projects outweigh your completed one?
Are you cutting corners to meet deadlines and missing out important information?
Do you have the time to proofread your work?
Are things that usually don’t take long to do like updating your website and social media being pushed aside?
Do you know where your marketing plan is…?…?
Have you replaced your sofa with your office chair and TV with PC?
If you have answered “yes” to any or all of these questions then you need to read on.
Now, as it is not yet possible to breed humans with cephalopods, the chance of finding someone in the job queue with six extra arms to help out around the place is unlikely to happen any time soon so you will need to consider the other option available to you – sourcing outside help from a professional marketing agency.
In situations like this, Début Marketing can get you back on track by offering practical solutions and hands on help. We will sit down with you and help you re-focus before offering advice on setting objectives and goals and putting together a plan for you with manageable steps and timeframes. After all, a problem shared is a problem halved.
So, scenario 2 – The work isn’t there to pile up, what are you going to do?
Are any of these problems familiar to you?
You are not getting the results you hoped for from a campaign?
You are struggling to make a marketing plan that you can stick to?
You are struggling to simply get off the ground?
You need a refresh but are unsure where to start?
You want to launch a new product or service but don’t know the best way to do it?
People don’t know who you are or what you do?
You have a brilliant idea and just need someone to run it by
Before you go and get all down in the dumps, I just want to reiterate that a problem shared is a problem halved. Don’t worry, nearly all businesses go through a ‘dry’ spell which can be for many reasons, our job is to help you find out if what you’re doing is the reason and then rectify it. We will take you on a journey of exploration and discovery (cheesy, I know) but only by looking at your target market, current place in the market and aspirational place in the market can we help you achieve your business goals.
It might be the case that you are a new company and your name is not well known enough yet or it might be that the foundations you have built your fundamentals on need their screws tightening a little. In this instance we can offer suggestions to help get you PR coverage and put together a cost effective and easy to manage promotion plan which we can help you implement and review in the future.
There needn’t be anything scary about marketing your product or business and perhaps with our help you can put the fun back into the fundamentals!
Next week I want to talk about timing and how it can make all the difference.